Thursday, May 20, 2010

a bowl of memories

Today I opened a can of minestrone soup and the first spoon full caused memories to flood into my mind. I never knew that such a little bite of food could provoke so many wonderful memories! I will explain...
I'm a vegetarian. So upon leaving for elevation (my school's backpacking trip) I stuffed my bag full of minestrone soup. I have always had a liking for that particular kind of soup, so when I went shopping for food I bought six cans of it. I usually like more verity than that, but I was I didn't mind. I ate minestrone soup everyday for five days. and amazingly enough, it still tasted good on the fifth day, even though I had eaten it the four previous days...
=I had an extra can of soup and, upon arriving home, I promptly put it away for another day.
that other day was today, and as I tasted it I felt like I was back in Crawdad Canyon with my dear friends from Williamsburg. I closed my eyes and remembered everything....sitting around the campfire singing hymns for hours into the night. Crossing precarious logs over a raging river. ascending a 100 foot rope. getting wicked awesome bruises from rock climbing. building a 'bridge' across an icy cold river. getting sucked under the water head and allwhile attempting to cross our bridge...aka an unsteady log. discussing philosophy, faith, God, and about everything under the sun all day everyday. chasing a small white cat into the pitch black forest. doing the dishes at ten at night. taking a nap in the warm (ish) sun after a hard morning simulation.
It would take pages and pages to list all the memories that came back to me from one simple bite of soup; the ones I mentioned are only a few of many.
After I finished my bowl of memories I came to the conclusion that I really like minestrone soup. its good stuff, especially when its loaded with memories :) I also concluded that this would not be my first and last elevation trip. yes, that sealed my fate for next school year! there is no way in the world that I can go to any other school than Williamsburg (soon to be changed to Lexington...) Academy. It has been an answer to my prayers, it was exactly what I needed. I have grown more in one semester than I have in my entire life thanks to an amazing mentor, incredible piers, and brilliant classic books.
and all this realization came from a simple bowl of minestrone soup.


Curt and Ronda said...

I love the "bowl of memories!"

carrie said...

That trip sounds very cool... except for the precarious logs and the 100-foot rope! ;)

I've been amazed by what you've done at Williamsburg - and even before that, too. It's completely different from my high school experience; much more on par with what I was doing in college. I can't wait to see what next year brings! I bet you are so happy that Williamsburg is continuing. :)