Tuesday, June 1, 2010

all you need is love....

I Love....

1. chess. my goal in life is to beat my dad and my sister at chess. sounds easy right? think again. when the day finally comes when I beat them I will be able to die happy....oh, also after I have completed this rubix cube...

2. rubix cube. hello rubix cube, I love you. you make me calm when I am stressed and happy when I am sad. thank you for being you :)

3. yellow shoes. true, this is the only pair I own, and its also true that I don't wear them very often...but there is something about yellow shoes that makes me love them....they are happy, and happiness is love :)

4. my piano...actually, any piano. something amazing happens inside of me when I touch the keys of a piano, its like the entire world melts away and all that remains in existence is me and the music coming from the piano.

5. books....need I say more? I love love love LOVE LOOOOVE books :) there are no words in the English language, well, no words in ANY language that can describe how much I adore books....literature, philosophy, poetry, plays....all of it and more :)

6. traveling. I love to go see new and exciting places. something about going on adventures makes me giddy with excitement and joy.

7. I love to study history, especially the history of our great nation. there is something humbling, intimidating, over-whelming, and incredible that is experienced by studying America and her history. I love our nation, and I love the great men and women that founded it. I hope and pray that we, as a nation, and as a people, will remain worthy of the blessings of a free country.

these are only a few of the things that I love, but its a sample of what brings joy into my life. because all you need is love...


jessica renae said...

i love love love this post!!! with every number i was saying, "yes! me too!"
i know exactly what you mean about the piano - i'm that way with the violin. it's kind of an indescribable feeling, but you did it justice.
wonderful post.
i love love love it!
and you :)

Anonymous said...

Um....what about me?!?! I love this post, Hailey, it was a delight to read and it made me smile. Love you!!

carrie said...

Love it!! So fun to see your list of loves. Isn't it great how the smallest things can bring us so much joy? :)

I really need to learn to play chess. (I know, I know, in this family the fact that I don't know how is sacrilege!) I'll have to have Larry teach me one of these nights and then we can play. :)

natalie johansen said...

I love... this blog post! and I took the first two pictures :) oh, and I love you!!