Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mostly Dead

After school got over I have been mostly dead. There is a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. When your mostly dead, your slightly alive. That's how I've felt the past several days....not dead, but not very alive at the same time. My first week of summer has been spent in sleep. Don't get me wrong, sleep is pretty amazing, but an excess of it gives one the 'slightly dead' feeling. My schedule during the school year goes as follows:
School for three hours.
Study for eight to ten hours.
Start over again.
Now, take away the school, which takes away the imparitiveness of study, which decreases the amount of time I study...then increase the amount of sleep by quite a bit, and you have my life at present. I'm pretty sure I might be loosing my sanity from the lack of study and school. I have caught myself walking aimlessly around my room, usually in circles, several times the past week.
So, my solution to my insane and mostly dead state? Set up a study/reading schedule for the summer, including the Iliad, the Odyssey, the Abolition of Man, the Great Divorce, the Health Care Bill (yes, all 2800 pages of it), Mere Christianity, and etc. Also in my recovery plan is spending excessive amounts of time outside in the sun, and storing up on sleep in preparation for the coming school year. By doing these things I hope to leave my state of 'mostly dead' and return to the realm of the living.


jessica renae said...

you should include in this list playing games of chess, hiking with your sister every time she's down, cooking lots of vegan cookies and cupcakes, and learning to... ride a bike? skateboard? do backflips? what do you think?

Jacob said...

HA! This is Jacob. You dont *Really* know me... I went to Elevation with you... Ok... CRAZY! I just turned in finals last night and right now im feeling "Mostly Dead" Hows life??? You REALLY need to come back to WA or at least Elevation. Keep Posting. Have fun with public school, but remember to keep classics leadership and the outdoors in your scheduele!