Saturday, November 13, 2010

seeing stars...

it all happened last sunday while i was staying up in provo with my sisters. i was attending the singles ward with them, and about halfway through sunday school i started getting really dizzy and sick to my stomach. bright stars began dotting my vision. i turned around to tell my sister that i wasn't feeling too well, but halfway through my explanation the stars in my vision started expanding, blocking my vision. i quickly turned back around and dropped my head onto my desk until the stars again faded. "hai, are you alright?" my sister asked. "yeah" i replied as i got up and headed for the door. the only thing in my mind was that i needed to find somewhere to lay down. i headed for the door, and as i pushed it open i remember thinking that it was much heavier than it should have been...i didn't realize that i was a lot weaker than i normally am. the next thing i remember i was laying face down in the hall. it was like coming out of a deep, deep sleep, except i had no idea why on earth i was laying down in the middle of a hall. then i realized there were two people on either side of me who had been shaking me, telling me i needed to wake up, asking me if i was alright. i don't remember getting up, but i remember them helping me (practically carrying me) down the hall. they helped me to get a drink of water then took me to a couch to lay down. sometime during all this my sister had come out and found us. after thanking the two men that had rescued me she took me back to her apartment where i proceeded to sleep for the next two and a half hours. when i woke the only obvious damage was a pounding head ache...apparently i had hit the ground pretty hard...
quite an exciting sunday, wouldn't you agree? it was the first time i had completely passed out. i've been close to it before, but i've always had memory of what happened. but in this case i have no recollection of falling...just waking up. i hope i never have to experience it again! and whatever they say in novels, fainting is not romantic!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

rugby here i come!

can i just say that that sticker makes me so happy?? especially because i'm starting a women's rugby team this year!! yes, its true, and i am so SO excited! i found another bumper sticker that said "i would rather play rugby and loose than play softball and win" how great is that?? every time i think about it i get giddy with excitement! i really miss playing soccer, so it will be nice to be playing a sport on a team again! don't worry mom, i will be careful! i will try my hardest not to blow out my knee :)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Starting Over -- Adventures of a SCHS student

this past month has been a huge blur. august came, offering many new and rather terrifying opportunities. the biggest change was starting snow canyon high school. yup, thats right, i'm a sophomore! and i'm actually going to public school! go warriors!

its definitely taking some getting used to, the students from my previous school were all lds, which means i never heard any swearing, or crude language. then the first day at schs i heard the f word at least five times in the halls....i was experiencing major culture shock.
last tuesday i was having a rather awful day. i woke up late, and felt as if i were going to throw up every other second the entire day. i was in a terrible mood already, then on my way to biology i got stuck walking behind these kids whos values regarding language were polar opposite to mine. by the time i reached room 213 i was quite put out and ready to punch the next person that used such disgusting language. fifteen minutes into the class the teacher walked out to grab something from the science lab and the kid in front of me turned around and flipped off the kid next to me. i nearly blew up, but quickly returned to my notes with a roll of my eyes. the boy in front of me turned towards me and said in a polite voice, "hey, i wasn't flipping you off, i was flipping the kid next to you off." i looked up and with a voice filled with venom said, "i don't care who that was directed at, you need to grow up!" (granted i could have said that in a nicer way, but i didnt think of that until after) at this point he got extremely angry, threw his pen on his desk and said in an annoyingly loud voice, "i am grown up!! when i was little i didn't even know what that meant!!" i completely ignored him and his comment after that which made him even more angry, but i guess what i said had some effect on him because two days later he came into class turned around to face me and said "hailey, why do you hate me?" in a pathetic tone. i answered exasperatedly "i don't hate you mitch, i was just having a bad day and seeing you flip someone off didn't make it any better." he replied, "you do hate me!" to which I said even more exasperated, "no, I really don't!" finally after saying that back and forth he said in a repentant, meek tone, "well i'm really sorry i offended you. i won't do it again around you." he still acts like a stupid teenage boy, but now at least i don't have to see him flip people off or hear him swear at his "friends."
yesterday i went to our second football home didn't end so well (the score was 49-7) but even though we lost we had a ton of fun. when we scored our one and only touchdown you would have thought we won first in state by the way the crowd was yelling. when it was first apparent that we weren't going to win we were all pretty upset...especially when we had the ball on the three yard line and it was intercepted by the other team and ran the length of the field for a wildcat touchdown... but by the end we all realized the absurdity of the situation and had a good time laughing instead of crying.
i was eating lunch with some people i met at school when one of their friends asked me, "did you just move here?" someone in the group replied for me, "no, shes always lived here, shes just unknown." i guess i will just have to learn how to enjoy being "unknown" around 1500 other teenagers, most of whom fall into the "known" category.
i'm still not completely used to going to public school, but when i get used to it, it won't be as big of an adventure as it is now. granted, i don't think it will ever stop being an adventure, but i will just have to enjoy the unfamiliarity and unknown world of high school while it lasts.

Monday, June 21, 2010

a new adventure!

Yesterday I was playing the piano and started arranging a piece. Its a mix of Come Come Ye Saints and A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief, and who knows what else I will add to it before its done! it started out just being Come Come Ye Saints, but then unexpectedly I started playing A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief and it seemed to fit well, so I kept it! This is my first real attempt at arranging/composing music, and although its hard, I'm really enjoying it! I'm considering adding a violin part to it...but first I want to finish the piano part. anyhow, wish me luck on my new adventure!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

all you need is love....

I Love....

1. chess. my goal in life is to beat my dad and my sister at chess. sounds easy right? think again. when the day finally comes when I beat them I will be able to die happy....oh, also after I have completed this rubix cube...

2. rubix cube. hello rubix cube, I love you. you make me calm when I am stressed and happy when I am sad. thank you for being you :)

3. yellow shoes. true, this is the only pair I own, and its also true that I don't wear them very often...but there is something about yellow shoes that makes me love them....they are happy, and happiness is love :)

4. my piano...actually, any piano. something amazing happens inside of me when I touch the keys of a piano, its like the entire world melts away and all that remains in existence is me and the music coming from the piano.

5. books....need I say more? I love love love LOVE LOOOOVE books :) there are no words in the English language, well, no words in ANY language that can describe how much I adore books....literature, philosophy, poetry, plays....all of it and more :)

6. traveling. I love to go see new and exciting places. something about going on adventures makes me giddy with excitement and joy.

7. I love to study history, especially the history of our great nation. there is something humbling, intimidating, over-whelming, and incredible that is experienced by studying America and her history. I love our nation, and I love the great men and women that founded it. I hope and pray that we, as a nation, and as a people, will remain worthy of the blessings of a free country.

these are only a few of the things that I love, but its a sample of what brings joy into my life. because all you need is love...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

a bowl of memories

Today I opened a can of minestrone soup and the first spoon full caused memories to flood into my mind. I never knew that such a little bite of food could provoke so many wonderful memories! I will explain...
I'm a vegetarian. So upon leaving for elevation (my school's backpacking trip) I stuffed my bag full of minestrone soup. I have always had a liking for that particular kind of soup, so when I went shopping for food I bought six cans of it. I usually like more verity than that, but I was I didn't mind. I ate minestrone soup everyday for five days. and amazingly enough, it still tasted good on the fifth day, even though I had eaten it the four previous days...
=I had an extra can of soup and, upon arriving home, I promptly put it away for another day.
that other day was today, and as I tasted it I felt like I was back in Crawdad Canyon with my dear friends from Williamsburg. I closed my eyes and remembered everything....sitting around the campfire singing hymns for hours into the night. Crossing precarious logs over a raging river. ascending a 100 foot rope. getting wicked awesome bruises from rock climbing. building a 'bridge' across an icy cold river. getting sucked under the water head and allwhile attempting to cross our bridge...aka an unsteady log. discussing philosophy, faith, God, and about everything under the sun all day everyday. chasing a small white cat into the pitch black forest. doing the dishes at ten at night. taking a nap in the warm (ish) sun after a hard morning simulation.
It would take pages and pages to list all the memories that came back to me from one simple bite of soup; the ones I mentioned are only a few of many.
After I finished my bowl of memories I came to the conclusion that I really like minestrone soup. its good stuff, especially when its loaded with memories :) I also concluded that this would not be my first and last elevation trip. yes, that sealed my fate for next school year! there is no way in the world that I can go to any other school than Williamsburg (soon to be changed to Lexington...) Academy. It has been an answer to my prayers, it was exactly what I needed. I have grown more in one semester than I have in my entire life thanks to an amazing mentor, incredible piers, and brilliant classic books.
and all this realization came from a simple bowl of minestrone soup.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

the finished first draft of my first essay on Christianity :)

Strength or Weakness
Section One

There are many different types of strength and weakness; there is the strength of the body, the strength of the mind, the strength of the heart, and the strength of the Spirit, or of character. The different types of strength are achieved in different ways. In order to gain a stronger body you have to exercise and eat healthy. To gain a strong mind you must exercise it accordingly, you must read, write, think, and do any exercise that stretches your intellect. Strength of the heart comes when you are able to accept and love those around you despite their faults. It comes when you serve others and God through love instead of selfish desires.
Extremity in strength of the body, mind, or heart is bound to spell out disaster. The man who spends all his time building his body may achieve great things through athletics, but where is the meaning in his life? How can he help to better those around him when he spends all his time focusing on his bodily strength? He would have a weak intellect and nothing to live for except competition. What would happen when he grew old and was then unable to compete in competitions? The meaning in his life would be gone; he would be lost in hopes and dreams of the past.
The man that focuses all of his on building his mind and nothing else would, like the strength of the body, achieve great heights. But how can one live when all the energy you posses is dedicated to the strengthening of your own intellect. How can his knowledge be of worth unless he shares it with those around him? Unless he writes or in some way teaches those around him his life would have no purpose, no meaning, and no happiness. Without interacting with those around them they would never taste the joys of humanity. They would spend their time pouring over mind-strengthening actions, but all of this would mean nothing if they died without enriching the life of another through their intellect.
The third type of strength, the strength of the heart, when taken to extremity, can also be hazardous. It would be completely unbeneficial for anyone if someone were to spend all their time in service when they have not first taken care of themselves physically and mentally. We cannot teach someone how to read if we don’t know how to ourselves. We must gain knowledge before we try to share it, otherwise every one of us would be fools. If the great authors had not taken the time to learn and educate themselves before they wrote their great works we would not be able to partake of their understanding.
When we create a balance of these three forms of strength we can achieve strength of spirit and character. That is why it is so imperative that we don’t live in extremities and that we strive for a balance of heart, mind, and physical strength. This is Christianity. When we are able to balance our lives, and through that balance we positively affect the lives of others, we are living as Christ lived. We are following in the footsteps of one who was perfect. Christianity is not weakness, it is strength of spirit and character. We can achieve that strength through our heart, mind, and body, when we strive for this we will grow closer to our God and Savior and live with an assurance that when we die we will have a place at the right hand of God.
Section Two
“Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” Matthew 5:38-39
Many would say that turning the other cheek is a sign of weakness, and that by doing so you are letting people walk over you. It depends on what weakness is, and what strength is. In this essay I define strength not only by the power of one’s hand, but buy the power of his character. Therefore, Christianity would not be weakness, but the epitome of strength itself. Physical dominance over another is not, in reality, a way of showing strength, except the strength of the body, which is far less superior to strength of character and spirit.
Christ is the root of Christianity; therefore, by saying that exercising Christianity is sign of weakness, we could deduce that the Son of God was weak. This is far from truth. Christ is perfect, perfect in all things, perfect in strength. He allowed men to crucify Him, but by doing so, was he showing weakness or strength? He cried from His cross “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” I say that a man of weakness would never be able to proclaim that about his murderers. Christ took upon Himself the sins of the world, this could only be done by the Son of God, by the ultimate Savior and strength.
When someone strikes you, would you be exercising more weakness by succumbing to your bodily urges to strike back? Or staying in possession of your temper and your composure? When someone is ‘walking all over you,’ yelling, screaming, hitting, or swearing at you are they exercising strength or weakness? The way you respond to them decides your own character’s strength. Which reaction would be easier, to strike back verbally and physically? Or to react in a calmer, more civilized manner? It would be logical to assume that in this situation the most difficult path would be the one in which you would have to exhibit more strength. This would prove Christians a strong, instead of weak, people.
It is human nature to want to strike back when someone harms or offends you, this is referred to in the scriptures as the natural man. We learn from the scriptures that the natural man is an enemy to God, and that in order to return to Him we must cast it off (Mosiah 3:19). We are mortal, therefore we are imperfect. In this life we will never be able to reach perfection, but if we strive for it we will be able to become better and progress eternally. Striving for perfection, and striving to throw off the natural man takes, an incredible amount of strength, it is an impossible feat to accomplish without the help of the Lord. By following Christianity we will be able to grow closer to God and grow stronger spiritually.
However, is it always unchristian to fight back? I believe that Captain Moroni was inspired when he created the Title of Liberty. “In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children.” It is my belief that it is Christian to fight for our God, our religion, our freedom, our peace, our wives, and our children. Christ usually didn’t use force, but when He went to the temple and found people had blasphemed the house of God he forced them out of the temple. He was fighting in defense of His God and His religion.
The bottom line of this is that God knows when it is right to fight and when it is right to turn the other cheek. If we are in tune with His Spirit we will be able to exercise strength instead of weakness and continue to strive to be like His Son, perfect in all things. Perfect in strength.