Saturday, November 13, 2010

seeing stars...

it all happened last sunday while i was staying up in provo with my sisters. i was attending the singles ward with them, and about halfway through sunday school i started getting really dizzy and sick to my stomach. bright stars began dotting my vision. i turned around to tell my sister that i wasn't feeling too well, but halfway through my explanation the stars in my vision started expanding, blocking my vision. i quickly turned back around and dropped my head onto my desk until the stars again faded. "hai, are you alright?" my sister asked. "yeah" i replied as i got up and headed for the door. the only thing in my mind was that i needed to find somewhere to lay down. i headed for the door, and as i pushed it open i remember thinking that it was much heavier than it should have been...i didn't realize that i was a lot weaker than i normally am. the next thing i remember i was laying face down in the hall. it was like coming out of a deep, deep sleep, except i had no idea why on earth i was laying down in the middle of a hall. then i realized there were two people on either side of me who had been shaking me, telling me i needed to wake up, asking me if i was alright. i don't remember getting up, but i remember them helping me (practically carrying me) down the hall. they helped me to get a drink of water then took me to a couch to lay down. sometime during all this my sister had come out and found us. after thanking the two men that had rescued me she took me back to her apartment where i proceeded to sleep for the next two and a half hours. when i woke the only obvious damage was a pounding head ache...apparently i had hit the ground pretty hard...
quite an exciting sunday, wouldn't you agree? it was the first time i had completely passed out. i've been close to it before, but i've always had memory of what happened. but in this case i have no recollection of falling...just waking up. i hope i never have to experience it again! and whatever they say in novels, fainting is not romantic!


natalie johansen said...

it IS romantic! but romantic is not always ideal, or desirable. don't faint anymore! especially around stairs. te quiero!

Curt and Ronda said...

Orthostatic hypotension! Doesn't sound too romantic, neither were blood tests and EKG, but you have a way of making everything an adventure! Now to work on fixing it...