Tuesday, January 19, 2010

starting up!! ....again...

Okay, this is the third blog I have attempted to make...the others have failed miserably...but hopefully the saying 'third time is a charm' is true :)
This weekend I am attending a mock United Nations, hosted by BYU. I am super excited!! This week is being dedicated to studying Parliamentary Procedure, the United Nations (which I knew next to nothing about,) Working Papers/Position Papers, and Costa Rica (which is the country I will be representing at the UN) and etc. I have decided that four days is not enough time to learn about a country that you are representing, but tough luck, I don't get any longer then that. :) I am sure that the extra studying will pay off though, its going to be an awesome expirience!
School has definitely been keeping me busy, I live for the extra sleep I get on the weekends...getting up at seven in the morning is killing me. I know, pathetic, right? I swear, it would be easier for me to stay up until seven in the morning,rather than getting up at seven. but, until summer I will try my hardest to survive the cruelties of sleep deprivation.

1 comment:

jessica renae said...

you don't even know how excited i am that you have a blog again. be my blog friend!!! :D
and killer title, btw. ;)
i can't wait to hear all about this weekend's excitement!