Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Love of Poetry...

Today, I found my love of poetry. Hence the two poems I just posted...I have always loved writing poems, but until today, I didn't have the ambition to write them. The problem now is that I don't want to do anything but write poetry! I wrote the two previous poems at school today, one during free write, and the other while I was waiting for mentor meeting...and now, I can't stop! but I guess eventually I will have to tear myself away from writing to do my I might as well do that now :)


A waking beam of light,
Softly peeking over the horizon.
Distilling the minuet drops of dew,
From every velvet flower.

A gentle stream of light,
Unfurling the world to our eyes.

A golden beam of light,
Creeping into the hearts,
Of all who spent the night,
In the captivity of despair.

A piercing beam of hope,
Extracting the shadows of the night,
From the heart waxed cold.

Bringing peace to the world,
Sight to the blind,
Warmth to the soul.
And joy to the heart.


A blank sheet of lined paper.
A new black ball point pen.
A single idea,
Waiting to become a masterpiece.

A thought,
An idea,
And the world is at your fingertips.

Every created masterpiece,
Began with a simple idea.

Every influential speech,
Sprung from the fountain of thought.

A blank sheet of paper.
A new black ball point pen.
A single idea,
Waiting to become a masterpiece.

Friday, January 22, 2010

United Nation Conference...

So, after much preparation, today was the day we were leaving to the United Nations Conference. All of us were eager to get up there and start the conference...We all had many late nights this week preparing. However, the weather had a different plan, and decided to snow excessively...consequently canceling the trip due to ice and snow on the freeways. It is bitterly disappointing to all of us, and unfortunately safety is a higher priority then the UN Conference.
On a happier note: I now find myself with a completely free weekend...which (although I would rather be in Provo) is an enjoyable event :)
I don't really know where the poem came from...I just suddenly had the urge to write a I did :)


Trapped inside perishing hopes,
Watching plans and dreams die,
Observing work go to waist.
Trapped inside diminishing dreams.
Unable to stop the torrent.
The torrent is destroying,
Crushing all hopes and dreams.
Trapped inside the river of disappointment,
The rain washing away my security,
Washing away my hope.
Watching my dedication crumble,
Until it amounts to nothing.
Trapped inside my own perishing hopes.
Unable to stop its destruction.
Forced to observe.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

starting up!! ....again...

Okay, this is the third blog I have attempted to make...the others have failed miserably...but hopefully the saying 'third time is a charm' is true :)
This weekend I am attending a mock United Nations, hosted by BYU. I am super excited!! This week is being dedicated to studying Parliamentary Procedure, the United Nations (which I knew next to nothing about,) Working Papers/Position Papers, and Costa Rica (which is the country I will be representing at the UN) and etc. I have decided that four days is not enough time to learn about a country that you are representing, but tough luck, I don't get any longer then that. :) I am sure that the extra studying will pay off though, its going to be an awesome expirience!
School has definitely been keeping me busy, I live for the extra sleep I get on the weekends...getting up at seven in the morning is killing me. I know, pathetic, right? I swear, it would be easier for me to stay up until seven in the morning,rather than getting up at seven. but, until summer I will try my hardest to survive the cruelties of sleep deprivation.